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고객 서비스팀
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관광 ESTA 여행 허가는 이제 비자 면제 프로그램 하에 미국을 (해상으로) 방문하는 모든 여행자들에게 요구됩니다.
경유 승인된 여행 허가 (ESTA) 는 항공으로 미국을 경유하는 비자 면제 국가의 승객들에게 요구됩니다.
비즈니스 비자 면제 프로그램 하에 미국에 입국하는 비즈니스 여행자들도 승인된 미국 여행 허가를 소지해야 합니다.
네. 미국 경유시 허가된 ESTA 여행 허가가 필요합니다. 비자 면게 국가의 국민들만 ESTA를 신청할 수 있습니다. 비자 면제 국가의 국민이 아닌 경우, 미국 방문자 비자를 신청해야 합니다. 상세 정보를 위해 info@usatravelvisa.net로 저희의 고객 서비스팀으로 연락주십시오.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulatory framework for the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) related to the processing of personal data. The regulation (EU 2016/79) was implemented by the European Parliament and Council with effect from April 27, 2016. The primary purposes of the GDPR are to 1) give EU residents further control of data given to companies, and 2) provide companies a framework to follow when processing data from EU residents.
Non-EU/EEA governments have different regulations related to the processing of personal data. Some regulatory frameworks are similar to the GDPR, while others are very limited. Global companies tend to follow the GDPR framework, as it is considered a leading standard for data processing.
The world wide web consists of millions of websites, which, when visited, require specific data to be placed on the visitors’ computers. Data saved can be categorized as:
This website does not require any traceable data to be saved on visitor’s computers to function as desired. All visitors remain completely anonymous. The only non-traceable data collected is related to technical analysis. We utilize an SSL (secure socket layer) to protect the data transfer to/from our website.
Traceable data is only provided by visitors who contact us. The choice is yours of what to write and include. If you choose to contact us, we will know the information you provide. Once we have responded to your email, it will be deleted permanently along with any attachments you may have included. We do not keep any identifiable data for any reason.
This website is intended for visitors of legal age defined as 18 or over.
If you have any GDPR or Privacy related questions, please contact us at any time.